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Epicondylitis Understand The Causes And Treatment Of Elbow Pain

Epicondylitis: Understand the Causes and Treatment of Elbow Pain

What is Epicondylitis?

Epicondylitis is a condition that causes inflammation of the bony protrusion at either side of the elbow joint. It can occur in two forms:

  • Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow): Affects the outer elbow, caused by overuse of wrist extensor tendons.
  • Medial epicondylitis (golfer's elbow): Affects the inner elbow, caused by overuse of wrist flexor tendons.

Symptoms of Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)

Tennis elbow typically presents with:

  • Pain and tenderness on the outer elbow
  • Pain with extension or gripping motions
  • Stiffness and decreased range of motion

Treatment Options for Tennis Elbow

Treatment for tennis elbow may include:

  • Rest and activity modification
  • Ice therapy
  • Physical therapy for stretching and strengthening exercises
  • Cortisone injections (in severe cases)
  • Surgery (rarely needed)


Epicondylitis, specifically lateral epicondylitis or tennis elbow, is a common condition that can significantly impact everyday activities. Understanding the causes and treatment options is crucial. If you experience elbow pain and tenderness that worsens with use, consult with a healthcare professional promptly to receive appropriate diagnosis and treatment.
